Preventative healthcare platform and marketplace

Month to MVP
Medical Providers
Pickler has two bright
Daan van Hal
Koen de Beer,
behind it.
They had previous experience starting projects and working with huge loads of data. They are also very knowledgeable in the sphere Pickler is aimed at.
Prevention is better than a cure — that’s the main thing PremedGo founders believe in and build their service around. Early detection and diagnosis usually means more effective treatment at a lower cost.
The key is to make preventative health checks more accessible, affordable and frequent.

The beginning of the partnership

We met PremedGo founders George Nimfour and Robert Wong during the Web summit 2022 in Lisbon. It was a brief encounter at first, but the next day we showed up with a prototype design of the product. Yes, it was made in a day.
The speed and quality impressed the founders so much that they decided to give green light to our business partnership. Since then the service continues to evolve with fantastic speed.
With PremedGo people can:
Search & choose between multiple health providers
Track and manage health check history
Pay online easily or using promo codes from employers
Book health check at a time that works best for them
Complete an online health questionnaire to save time during appointments
Medical providers get:
Web app to manage patient appointments
More customers as the main idea is to bring more leads to the MPs
Working with 3 health check packages based on the patient's answers to the PremedGo health questionnaire
Upon signing an agreement with PremedGo, employers can also get promo codes for their employees to use to book appointments free or partially free of charge.

The service connects healthcare providers with companies and their employees easily and helps to make all the registration routine before the actual appointment. This way each person who comes to a clinic goes directly to the appointment without wasting any time on forms!
While building the actual service we’ve also thought about how to promote it for healthcare providers and investors. As a result, we created a short video with all the key features of PremedGo.
The solution has great potential and founders already have lots of ideas to evolve it, including the implementation of AI results analysis. Check the video to learn all about the PremedGo, its current objectives, features, and plans for the future.

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