Eco-footprint calculations for packaging

B2B application for packaging manufacturers

Months to MVP
Raised in 6 months
To those who want to change their routine in favor of sustainability, Pickler is a great choice. It is software for the packaging industry that helps suppliers instantly calculate the footprint of their packaging, create reports and use the insights to win over customers.

Companies can find out:
Manufacturers can forget about marketing and producing based on hunches. Pickler helps to make decisions with data and real evidence. Pickler also helps its customers in their sales by providing them with data to communicate with their customers in a way they can understand.
Pickler has two bright startup-minded founders,
Daan van Hal
Koen de Beer,
behind it. They had previous experience
starting projects and working with huge loads of data. They are also very knowledgeable in the sphere Pickler is aimed at.
Pickler has two bright
Daan van Hal
Koen de Beer,
behind it.
They had previous experience starting projects and working with huge loads of data. They are also very knowledgeable in the sphere Pickler is aimed at.
To bring even more expertise to the table, Pickler has its advisor Joost Vogtlander, a professor from the Delft University of Technology, who is involved in eco-research and helped the founders to develop a framework to calculate footprints at large scale.

The beginning of the partnership
September, 2022

It was one of the quickest deals ever! The whole process took 6 days to make the final proposal. Paralect assembled a team to work with Pickler in just 1 day.
We were chosen for our proactivity and fast qualified results. In several days our team made an estimation and first visualization of the Pickler app. We also performed a UX audit of the initial development idea.
Pickler has a huge knowledge database to check the packaging materials, production and delivery methods, country of production, and end-of-life scenarios (treatment of waste) to make the calculations as precise as possible. The founders did an enormous amount of work to accumulate all this data and bring it to us to design and develop the product.

Turning database into a web application

Previously all the work was done manually in the Airtable sheets. Our job was to automate the process as much as possible.

Have all the main features worked out for MVP

We focused on such features as uploading products to the service easily, calculating their eco-costs, and comparing with other products.
We also wanted to add a goals section where packaging companies can set up their goals towards sustainability and calculate what it takes to achieve them. While the idea was great, we decided to set it aside for the MVP stage and focus only on the major function.
We used different low- and no-code tools and integrations to deliver faster results.

Technologies & Integrations

Ship Mantine
We launched a fully working MVP in just 2.5 months after we started to work on the app.
Web application contains:

Clear onboarding

Portfolio page


Benchmarks for companies

Clear onboarding

Portfolio page


Benchmarks for companies

Right after the launch, Pickler got its first paying clients!
The app got its first paying clients right after the launch.
Pickler's next goal is to raise $500 000 in investments.
While founders raise funds, Paralect focuses on new development milestones.

Enable smaller companies to onboard on the platform themselves

For now the users are all the big companies and the founders want to widen the audience. To do so we focus on Stripe integration and incorporation of the monthly subscription model for users.

Optimize the process of uploading products and make it easier for Pickler clients

Often Pickler needs to know more about the products that suppliers can put instantly to make the calculations.

For example, we work on Google integration to automate calculations of the exact kilometers from warehouse to manufacture, and so on.

Pickler calculates a lot for its users and we want to make the process even more automated.
Pickler reached its fundraising goal, got $500k of investments, and continues to work with Paralect.

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